Wellness Services in Dunsborough

With over two decades of experience in the Spa and Wellness industry, I offer a range of soul-nourishing, holistic treatments from transformative massages to rejuvenating facials, each designed to soothe, refresh and align your body and mind.

My aim is for you to feel that sense of deep peace and stillness. To hold you in a safe, nurturing space bringing you "Home" back into your Heart.

From my Open Heart to yours, I offer you a little port in the storm, where you can honor yourself and how you wish to show up in the world.

  • The Pure Energy Facial Meditation with Chakra Balance

  • Restorative Facial Therapy

  • The Heart Space Massage

  • Ayurvedic Kansa Wand Facial

  • Ayurvedic Kansa Vakti Foot Massage

  • Upper Body Bliss

  • Peter Hess Sound Massage

  • Peter Hess Sound Massage + Restorative Facial

  • The Heart Space Massage + Restorative Facial